Segment Service
The Segment Service allows clients to define custom segments and export a list of users that belong to the custom segment.
Segments can be used to create lists of shoppers based on some commonality, allowing retailers to group people and market to them based on that commonality.
To retrieve a list of users based on a custom segment, the segment must first be set up on the Personalization dashboard.
A custom segment is defined via our segment library on the dashboard. The service compares individual user profiles to the custom segment, and then provides a list of users that fit into the defined segment. This list can then be used as needed by the client. A common use is for direct marketing applications such as email lists, call centers, or direct mailing lists.
Defining a Segment
Segments are groups of customers that can have a wide range of common conditions. Steps on building a custom segment are here: Build Segments.
Retrieving Segment User List
After you define a segment in the segment library, the list of users is typically available within 30 minutes. Access the file from the build-ftp location using the getsegment custom FTP command with the segment ID shown in the segment library.
Example command:
build-ftp > site getsegment -segid 112
This command retrieves a file from our system that can be downloaded.
Example response:
response > 200 112-201510081011 file available
The file name corresponds to the segment ID followed by a timestamp. An updated user list can be downloaded using this command as needed if the segment is defined in the segment library.